Vibration analysis is performed not only to do determine the design life of structures, but also determine how a component may have failed. When a physical system vibrates,it does so at particular natural frequencies and resulting mode shapes can be determined using modal analysis. For a simple structures like beams,bridges,etc,directly perform the modal analysis,while for more complex systems finite element analysis is performed to determine the dynamic response. The purpose of a modal analysis is to find the shapes and frequencies at which the structure will amplify the effect of a load. Free vibration is the natural response of the structure to some impact or displacement and Forced vibration is the response of a structure to a repetitive function that causes the structure to vibrate at the frequencies of the excitation. When you do modal analysis, you are asking, what are the dangerous natural frequencies that make you resonate? When you do frequency response, you are actually testing:Let’s input a load which will vibrate in a certain defined range of frequencies and let’s see how you actually deform.
Cause and effects of mechanical vibration
Almost all machine vibration is due to one or more of these causes : (a) Repeating forces (b) Looseness of the assembled components and (c) Resonance. Some of the industrial causes are Structural imperfection,Unbalanced shafts,imperfect geometry of gears,motors and generators,non-coaxial coupling shafts,wears off bearing,cams and couplings.
We have performed vibration analyses on valves, medical equipment, electronic components, pumps, structural support systems, windmill, generator mounts, gearbox mounts, anti-vibration mounts, bellow expansion joints,among other components. Vibration analysis is useful for all type of rotating components. Vibration analysis is uses for plant-based mechanical defect detection in order to reduce maintenance costs and equipment downtime. It can preemptively identify specific faults in rotating equipment, identifying the root cause of the problem and allowing you to do relevant maintenance.